Furniture created by the Amish of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Ohio is known for being of the highest quality, as customers lining up to get their hands on high-quality chairs, dining room elements, bed frames and other pieces of furniture.
With hundreds of competitors selling their own brands and styles of furniture, furniture made in the traditional Amish fashion has managed to retain its position on the market with few style changes over the course of a century. But what makes Amish furniture so popular?
Most people who choose to purchase Amish furniture do so because they are looking to invest in a product that will last longer and retain its style throughout the years. Buying new furniture is a major investment, so when consumers choose their pieces, they want to make a selection that they will not have to replace or repair.
In fact, according to Furniture Today’s 2016 Home Decorating Survey, 91% of consumers named quality and durability as a “major factor” that influenced their selection of furniture.
Amish furniture, like that sold by our team at Amish Furniture of Bristol, is created using tried and true techniques that ensure that can withstand the test of time both physically and fashionably. Consumers know that when they purchase Amish-made furniture, they won’t have to waste more money in the future when their pieces break or go out of style.
Many consumers who chose to purchase Amish bedroom furniture in Bucks County also enjoy the fact that the furniture is crafted by hand. The method used by Amish furniture makers has been perfected over the course of nearly 100 years, which helps to guarantee a quality product.
When customers choose handcrafted Amish furniture, they know that they are investing in their future. If you or someone you love is in need of bedroom furniture near Camden County that won’t break or go out of style, we encourage you to contact our team at Amish Furniture of Bristol today to learn more!
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